Maria Malandrino is an Italian illustrator and visual development artist. She has worked for publishing houses and brands such as Disney, Oxford University Press, and others.
Are you disheartened when you spend a huge amount of time creating beautiful art, but it ends up hardly being seen or commented on?
With social media becoming more video and reel-focused, you might be missing out on a BIG opportunity if you aren’t yet using videos to showcase your art. Keeping up with major trends like this is essential to stay relevant and captivating to your follower base.
Don’t know anything about video creation? Feel overwhelmed? Don’t worry! In this course, you’ll discover just how easy it is to promote your art through videos and how quickly you can grow your audience and confidence too!
Your instructor, Maria Malandrino, will teach you the core basics of creating videos for social media, going in-depth into each video type. Discover which channel is the right one for you! You’ll learn about everything that goes into making an engaging video, like music, lighting, sound effects, transitions and more!
Maria will walk you through all the steps from planning a shoot, to arranging your set-up, to writing a script and editing the footage. You’ll get a ton of insider tips and tricks, real-world practical examples and worksheets to apply what you’ve learned right away.
After taking this course, you’ll have all the tools you need to be a successful video creator, creating fun and captivating content that keeps your audience coming back for more!
Welcome to the course!
Meet your instructor, Maria Malandrino, and get a clear overview of the concepts, tools and techniques that she’ll be covering in this course. There is a whole LOT to look forward to!
We live in a visual era, where video content is king!
In this lesson, you’ll discover why as an artist it’s super beneficial to learn to create videos and what the different types of videos are. You’ll learn the characteristics and advantages of each one, such as reels, vlogs, live streams, stories and more!
It’s increasingly hard to capture people’s attention online these days. However, if you have an interesting story to tell (and you tell it well), you have a much bigger chance of being heard—and getting clients or making sales down the line!
Video making is all about story-telling! So how do you do that? Maria will discuss that in this lesson, explaining about online persona, how to find your voice and your audience and which platform and video type is best for you.
After that, she gets down to brass tacks, going one-by-one through all the video production tools, both digital and physical, that you should know about, including lighting, cameras, tripods, music, editing software and more!
Get ready to start shooting a video! This lesson walks you through the detailed process of creating a long-form video for platforms like YouTube. You’ll discover what kinds of long-form videos there are and exactly how to plan them.
Maria discusses your presentation when on camera and how to make it authentic, natural, and a pleasure to watch! She also talks about why a ‘Call To Action’ (CTA) is SO important and ways to use it.
Additionally, you learn all the essential steps of the production process from writing a script, to setting up your space, to editing and rendering the final video, including adding text, graphics and sound! Exciting!!!
Next up: Live Streams!—such as Twitch and Facebook.
Delve into all the fascinating ins and outs of this video format and how to successfully pull it off!
Maria will talk about how to bring people to your streaming platform, minimize the stress of a live recording session, test out different platforms, master the software and MUCH more.
It’s going to be a lot of fun!
Moving on to the exciting stuff: Short-Form videos! (thinkTik-Tok and fun reels)
Maria will show you all a beginner needs to know about creating visually enticing video shorts. You’ll also learn insider secrets to increase your reach by working with the Instagram algorithm. How great is that!?
Discover the pros and cons of editing on your phone, how to edit and jazz up your video on Tik-Tok, Instagram and Premiere Rush, sync the footage with music, use trending sounds, and other cool stuff! Sweet!
Remember, you don’t need to be a professional filmmaker to create engaging video content featuring your artwork!
Many artists just know the basics and yet produce engaging videos that keep their follower base hooked AND growing.
Good luck with your videos!
Maria is an illustrator and story artist from Turin, Italy. She has a BA degree in Magazine Publishing from the University of the Arts London, has studied Traditional Animation at the International School of Comics in Turin and attended a masterclass in Storyboarding at the online school CGMA.
経歴21 Drawは、初心者から上級者まで、あらゆるレベルの学習者がアートスキルを向上させることができるオンラインコミュニティです。 参加している講師は、世界的に有名なアーティストばかり。ディズニーやマーベル、DC、ドリームワークス、ピクサーで活躍するトップアーティストによるビデオレッスンが、私たちのプラットフォーム【】で見放題です。会員になると、これら全てのレッスンに無制限にアクセスすることができます
もちろん!21 Drawのコースを修了すると修了証が発行されます。ダウンロードして友人、親戚、同僚、そして将来の雇用主に見せることができます。
21 Drawのコースは、オンデマンド(録画済み)ビデオチュートリアルで、いつでも、何度でも、どんなデジタル機器でもオンラインで視聴することができます!つまり、自分のペースや都合に合わせて簡単に視聴(再視聴)できます。
通常は$235/年ですが、現在期間限定の特別セールを実施中です。 75%もお得です! 年会費はわずか$59 USD/年です。
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