Elliot Ulm is a freelance graphic designer and YouTuber from Australia, with clients like Adobe. He is known for his comedic personality, humorous videos and bold designs.
Discover how easy and fun graphic design can be, as you follow along with Elliot step by step!
Despite what people may say, designing in Photoshop doesn’t have to be intimidating—if you have the right teacher!
In this engaging course, Elliot will teach you everything you need to know to start out, equipping you with core design skills to fuel your creativity!
You’ll breeze through super easy lessons, each building on another, covering key concepts and techniques that you can put to use immediately on your first poster ever! Exciting!!!
Look forward to mastering Photoshop’s essential tools and functions, working with fonts and colors to create eye-catching designs, grasping the fundamentals of design theory, and discovering Elliot’s best practices. PLUS, you’ll also enjoy fun homework exercises to implement all you’ve learned!
So what are you waiting for? Let’s jump right in!
Join this entertaining, learning adventure with Elliot, where he shares the joy of graphic design and gives you a solid foundation to start out in this field.
The aim of this course is to have fun and express yourself creatively while picking up essential tools and nifty skills! Sounds amazing, right?
Graphic design isn’t just a service for a client, it can be an avenue to express yourself creatively as well!
Elliot will walk you through the basics in this lesson, including composition, color choice, typography, contrast, and more—essentials for creating eye-catching designs!
You’ll also explore ways to find inspiration and decide on the message you want to communicate. Fun!
The easiest way to learn about Photoshop is to start designing something!
You’ll have a blast with Elliot in a fun warm-up exercise to familiarize yourself with the Photoshop workspace and its user-friendly tools.
He’ll teach you about file setup for both web and print, composition techniques using grids, blending modes, filters and lots more fun stuff!
By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a basic design skill set under your belt! Awesome!
Using a good font is the easiest way to make your designs look better.
You’ll explore font sources and what to look for when picking fonts. Also, discover how to use the type tool to perfect your poster’s heading.
Next, dive into the world of color palettes. Elliot will show you how to choose colors that work harmoniously together and use them strategically to create an impressive design that’s easier than it looks! Magic!
Get ready to add those final touches to make your poster really pop! You’ll immerse yourself in the world of textures, learning to seamlessly add them into your design and discover cool tricks to fill in any blank spaces.
Elliot will demystify the process of exporting your file, breaking down each step so it’s a breeze. He’ll also give solid advice on how to grow as a designer, sharing insight from his own creative journey.
Come join us and let’s take your graphic design skills to new heights!
Elliot Ulm is a freelance graphic designer and YouTuber from Australia, with clients like Adobe. He is known for his comedic personality, humorous videos and bold designs.
経歴21 Drawは、初心者から上級者まで、あらゆるレベルの学習者がアートスキルを向上させることができるオンラインコミュニティです。 参加している講師は、世界的に有名なアーティストばかり。ディズニーやマーベル、DC、ドリームワークス、ピクサーで活躍するトップアーティストによるビデオレッスンが、私たちのプラットフォーム【www.21-draw.com】で見放題です。会員になると、これら全てのレッスンに無制限にアクセスすることができます
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21 Drawのコースは、オンデマンド(録画済み)ビデオチュートリアルで、いつでも、何度でも、どんなデジタル機器でもオンラインで視聴することができます!つまり、自分のペースや都合に合わせて簡単に視聴(再視聴)できます。
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