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Tecniche di disegno

Che cos'è il disegno anatomico?

Jan 25, 2024
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Che cosa ti viene in mente, quando si parla di disegno anatomico?

Forse ti immaginerai un artista con in mano matita e album da disegno che gira intorno a un modello…

Ma cos’è esattamente il disegno anatomico, e perché è un’abilità così importante per tutti gli artisti?

In questo post approfondiremo questo argomento, fornendoti alcuni utili consigli per migliorare quest’abilità così importante.

Che cos’è il disegno anatomico?

An Example Of Figure Drawing

Il disegno della figura umana è l’arte di raffigurare il corpo umano in modo accurato. Si tratta di un’attività che spesso viene svolta dal vivo e prendendo come riferimento un modello che, tradizionalmente, è nudo. Tuttavia, è anche possibile farlo basandosi sulla memoria o su fotografie di riferimento.

L’obiettivo del disegno anatomico è di immortalare l’essenza del corpo umano con i suoi muscoli, le sue pose e il suo movimento.

Per farlo, è necessario conoscerne bene le proporzioni, sapere come si piegano le articolazioni e molto altro.

Il disegno della figura umana è un ottimo modo per approfondire la conoscenza della struttura del corpo e dell’anatomia, e può aiutare gli artisti a maturare una maggiore comprensione della forma e del volume.

Può inoltre aiutarti a consolidare le tue capacità di osservazione, che saranno di fondamentale importanza anche per altre forme d’arte.

Perché il disegno anatomico è così importante?

Il disegno della figura umana è stato un elemento centrale della formazione degli artisti fin dal Rinascimento. Esercitarsi nel disegno anatomico è essenziale per comprendere il movimento e la complessità delle forme del corpo umano.

Migliora le tue capacità di osservazione

Il disegno anatomico richiede all’artista di osservare la figura nel dettaglio, prestando attenzione alle proporzioni, alla forma e al movimento.

Attraverso il disegno della figura umana, gli artisti imparano a osservare e a rappresentare in modo accurato il corpo umano, scomponendolo nelle sue diverse parti.

In questo modo si migliora la capacità di guardare gli oggetti da diverse prospettive e di osservarli con precisione.

Ti aiuta a immortalare un’azione

Il disegno della figura umana aiuta l’artista a immortalare l’azione, il movimento e l’emozione nelle proprie opere.

In questo modo si impara a prestare attenzione alle sottili sfumature nei movimenti e nei gesti. This allows them to accurately depict the figure in motion, as well as create dynamic poses that have an emotional impact on the viewer.

By practicing figure drawing, artists can also learn how to use lines and shapes to create a sense of movement and energy. Drawing from life is one of the best ways to capture figures in motion because it lets you observe the figure’s movements directly.

Permette di comprendere meglio l’anatomia umana

Figure drawing is also a great way to understand human anatomy. While sketching a figure, artists identify the underlying shapes of the muscles and bones that make up a figure’s body.

By studying these shapes, artists can understand how the figure moves and how different body parts interact.

This understanding of anatomy combined with figure drawing techniques can help to bring life and realism to an artist’s work.

Helps in Learning Foundational Shapes

Through figure drawing, artists learn how basic shapes like ovals, circles, and rectangles fit together to form a human body.

These shapes can be used as building blocks to create figure drawings with more intense action poses.

By mastering these shapes, artists can create visual shorthand, which helps them quickly sketch out figure poses.

How to Figure Draw?

An Image Illustrating First Four Stages Of Figure Drawing These Stages Create The Framework Of The Human Shape

Learning to draw figures correctly is essential for creating realistic works of art. Although figure drawing can initially seem intimidating, with practice and patience, it becomes much easier.

Here are some tips on drawing figures effectively:

Disegna all’interno di un modello

Start by sketching a figure-based framework that will serve as your guide. This means drawing a stick figure or bone structure of the figure you are trying to draw and paying attention to the proportions and angles.

Try using light lines that can be erased or altered later if necessary. Ensure the figure is proportionally aligned correctly before moving to the next step.

Aggiungi del volume inserendo alcune forme semplici

Drawing Geometric Shapes Adds Volume To The Stick Figure

Once you have established the figure’s framework, add volume by sketching simple shapes like circles and ovals. Focus on the individual elements of the figure and draw them one at a time.

You can start by drawing basic forms for the figure’s head, torso, arms, and legs. Consider each element’s size, shape, and location to create an anatomically correct figure.

These shapes will act as a foundation for the muscles and help create the outline of the human figure.

Definisci la struttura umana

Once you have established the figure’s framework and added basic forms, start outlining the figure. This means drawing a figure that has more of a realistic shape with natural curves and contours.

Pay attention to the figure’s movement and anatomy while drawing to convey its form and texture accurately.

By outlining the figure’s body, you can create the level of detail needed to make the figure look realistic.

Per ottenere un effetto più realistico, disegna i muscoli

Working On The Muscles Is An Important Step In Figure Drawing

Now that you have established the figure’s framework and outline, it is time to work on its muscles.

Observe the figure’s muscles, paying attention to how they interact with each other and how they change when the figure moves. This will help you create a realistic and anatomically accurate figure.

By accurately depicting the figure’s anatomy, you can create dynamic poses with an emotional impact on the viewer. You can also study anatomy books for inspiration and reference.

By studying human anatomy and sketching out muscles, you can create figure drawings that truly come to life.

Inserisci dei dettagli

Details Can Be Added To Figure Drawing To Make The Drawing Look Realistic

The figure is almost complete. Now it’s time to bring the figure to life by adding details.

Start by adding shading and texture to give the figure depth and dimension. Notice how shadows fall on the figure when it moves and how light affects its shape and form.

You can also add details like wrinkles, facial expressions, hair, and accessories. These details can help bring the figure to life and make it look more realistic.

Com’è veramente una lezione di disegno anatomico?

Illustration Of An Artist Practicing Figure Drawing

A figure drawing or life drawing class typically involves a group of artists drawing human figures from a live model.

The model is usually positioned in the center of the room, and the artists surround the model. Each artist draws the figure from a different angle.

The model takes on various poses during the session, ranging from short gestures to longer sustained poses.

The artists capture the figure’s essence in their sketches, paying close attention to proportions, form, and movement.

The figure drawing classes are often structured with warm-ups followed by figure work – finally, a critique at the end.

Throughout the figure drawing session, instructors are present to provide guidance and demonstrations of techniques that students can use to improve their figure drawings.

At the end of each figure drawing class, students share their work with peers and receive constructive feedback from the instructor.

La durata delle lezioni è di 2 o 3 ore.

Figure drawing classes are an excellent opportunity to explore the human body in different forms, gain technical figure-drawing skills, and engage with other artists.

Tips for Improving Your Figure-Drawing Skills

Improving your figure-drawing skills can be a challenge. However, you can master the art of figure drawing with focus, dedication, and practice.

Here are seven tips to help you improve your figure-drawing skills:

Examine the Figure

Before diving into a figure drawing, take time to examine the figure that you’ll be drawing. Take note of the figure’s size, shape, and structure. This will help you create a more accurate figure drawing.

Don’t draw the figure like you imagine the human body to be. Instead, focus on drawing what you see. Visualize what you see, considering all angles and shadows to make your figure drawing as accurate as possible.

Focus on Gesture and Flow

While figure drawing accuracy is important, figure drawing needs to capture the figure’s movement and flow.

Therefore, instead of stiffening up when starting figure drawing, focus on the figure’s gesture. Even if the figure drawing isn’t accurate, pay more attention to the action of the pose rather than accuracy. This will help you create figure drawings that are truly alive.

Avoid Erasing

Erasing can be tempting when figure drawing, but resisting the urge is essential. Erasing draws your attention to the mistakes and distracts you from the creative process.

Ignore it and keep drawing. Even if the figure drawing isn’t perfect, it’s essential to keep going. This will help you improve your ability to capture life on paper.

Draw the Whole Human Form

Drawing the complete figure while practicing is important. Avoiding difficult body parts, like hands or feet, can be tempting, but it will only worsen these areas.

It can lead to figure drawings with highly rendered, realistic figures but featuring blocks for feet and hands. That’s why drawing the complete figure is important, even if it doesn’t come out perfectly.

Shading and Highlighting

Adding shadows and highlights to figure drawings can create a more polished look. To create shadows and highlights, you should observe how different light sources affect the figure. This can help you add a layer of depth to the figure drawing.

Date the Sketches

A vital figure drawing tip is to date your figure drawings.

In addition to helping you remember the figure drawing later, this will also help you track your progress. This way, you can see how far you’ve improved your figure-drawing skills.

Practice Regularly

Figure drawing is an art form; like any art form, it takes practice. Set aside time each week to focus on figure drawing; don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes.

Therefore, practice figure drawing regularly to hone your skills. Set aside time each day to figure drawing, and don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes.


Is figure drawing difficult?

Yes, figure drawing is a particularly challenging form of art. It requires the artist to accurately depict the human figure in all its complex movements and poses while also conveying the figure’s emotion and personality.

To master figure drawing, an artist must practice regularly and study how the figure moves and changes in different poses.

A figure drawing course can be beneficial in teaching the fundamentals of figure drawing and providing practice and feedback from an instructor.

Is figure drawing good for beginners?

Figure drawing can be an excellent way for beginners to start in art. Not only does figure drawing help you learn the human form, but it also helps to develop your artistic skills.

Figure drawing exercises such as gesture drawing can be beneficial in improving your figure drawing skills and developing your art style.

By observing the figure from different angles and perspectives, you can learn to better represent proportions, structure, and form in your drawings.

Additionally, figure drawing can be a great way to create your characters and practice poses and facial expressions.

What is the difference between gesture drawing and figure drawing?

Gesture drawing is often used as a warm-up exercise. 

The goal of gesture drawing is to capture a subject’s gesture or movement rather than create a realistic or accurate representation. As such, gesture drawings have loose and expressive lines. 

In contrast, figure drawing is a type of drawing that focuses on the accurate representation of the human form. 

Figure drawing requires more attention to detail and accuracy and understanding of human anatomy and figure structure. 

Figure drawing combines line work, shading, highlights, and shadows to create a realistic figure.


So, that’s figure drawing in a nutshell. We hope this has given you a better understanding of figure drawing and the techniques involved.

Figure drawing is a great way to hone your artistic skills and create compelling characters.

With regular practice and dedication, you’ll soon be creating stunning figure drawings.

Our course, “Figure Drawing for Beginners,” can be a good place to get started with this classic art form. However, if you want to take your skills to the next level, check out the course “Fundamentals of Character Design” and “Character Design.”

You can also check out all our online courses. From “Gesture Drawing” to “Digital Drawing” to “Animation,” we have courses on every topic that can help you hone your drawing skills.


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